Van ISD 2016 Bond Program

Intermediate School: Approximately 6,380 SF of new classroom additions; renovation of approximately 2,150 SF of Administrative Area.

Middle School:  Approximately 10,180 SF of new toilets and classroom additions and renovation of approximately 4,125 SF of Gym space into a Band Hall.

High School:  An approximate 36,850 SF new Career and Technology facility.

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White Oak ISD – Field House

The old White Oak ISD Field House was demolished and replaced with a new 10,000 square foot field house. It has three locker rooms, a training room, coach’s offices, and a film room. The west side of the building features a glass wall that serves as a viewing area to the football field and track.

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Lewisville ISD – Administrative Center

Previously a retail strip mall, the Lewisville ISD Administrative Center underwent a renovation that involved building into additional office space procured by the district. This space made additional general office space, executive offices, conference rooms, computer labs, storage, break rooms, reception areas and more.

This project was completed in a manner that allowed staff to move into their new spaces incrementally as the work progressed. Construction was completed in 2018.

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Harts Bluff ISD – K-8 Additions and Renovations

Project Overview

The 16,674 SF school consisted of student collaboration project labs, group activity labs, teacher workstations, administrative offices, a conference room, new parking, bus loops, and parent pick-up/drop-off.


“Jackson Construction reaffirmed my confidence in the Construction Management-at-Risk process when you have the right team ‘on the job’.”
Terry Hoyle, Principal — Stantec Architecture Inc.

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Grand Saline ISD – Elementary School

Project Overview

New elementary school including Classrooms, Kitchen / Cafetorium, Library including a “Tee Pee” media room, Gym / Activity Room, Administration Offices, Outdoor Learning Center, Bus Loop and Parking


“The cooperation and collaboration that Jackson brought on a daily basis was greatly appreciated. That atmosphere resulted in an enjoyable project experience and successful end result with the school being completed on time and within budget.” Trish Elliott, Superintendent — Grand Saline ISD

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West Rusk CCISD – 2012 Building Program

Project Plans and Specs

New Multi Purpose Event Center including a Gymnasium, Weight and Training Rooms, Concession Stand overlooking the newly renovated Football Stadium, Class Rooms, Restrooms, Coaches Offices, New Cafetorium, and major renovations to existing Elementary School, New Parking Areas and Drives.


“All four of these facilities were built with such quality that it truly was hard to comprehend for all of our school family. I would compare any of these four facilities to any other projects that have been built in our East Texas area in the last decade.” Tommy Alexander, Superintendent — West Rusk CCISD

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Rains ISD – New Elementary School

Project Plans and Specs

New Elementary School consisting of Classrooms, Cafetorium, Library, Offices, Gymnasium, Playground Area and Courtyar


“I found [Jackson] to be reliable, very dedicated to doing the job correct down to the minute details, and doing this with integrity. This company came highly recommended to us by previous clients.” David M. Seago, Superintendent — Rains ISD

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